Nature Happenings
- Project FeederWatch continues,
- Hummingbirds arrive. Be sure to have their feeders ready.
- Goldfinches begin to molt into their brilliant yellow plumage.
- Bluebirds begin nesting by the end of the month. Be sure to have their houses ready, and begin monitoring them by the middle of the month (incubation 14 days; fledging in 18 days).
- Cardinals, Carolina Chickadees, Crows and Blue Jays begin nesting.
- The Sandhill Crane spring migratory population peaks during the first or second week of the month.
- Peak of Eastern Screech-Owl nesting.
- Osprey begin nesting.
- Barn Swallows arrive.
- Tufted Titmice begin nesting at the end of the month.